3rd Annual Bake Off

These are my dear friends the infamous Jules Allen and the incredible Stephanie Nicks. Who brought me as their guest to the 3rd annual “BAKE -OFF".

  Look at this incredible cake. This is a masterpiece. The woman who did this is a true artist.  Stevie could not believe this was an actual cake.

The pink is for the party but also for breast cancer awareness month. Hollye, one of the hostesses, is a breast cancer survivor.  Please check out her incredibly courageous blog with her days of conquering the “terrible beast.” God bless her and all the other woman out there fighting!  Please check out Hollye’s blog: brooksidebuzz.com twitter.com/hollyejacobs


While tasting all of these goodies, Rose champagne was flowing!

This picture could be out of  Better Homes and Gardens in the 50’s.

Check out the creative presentation - hair curlers, bud light can, and cigarettes!

Check out the aprons.  The ladies are waiting for the festivities to begin.

Hollye holding up one of the cakes signs.

This is the 3rd annual Bake off started in Montecito, California by three woman: Suzanne, Hollye and Gina. Hollye said "The idea came about after an afternoon with two girlfriends comparing our favorite desserts, none of which was homemade." They thought it would be fun to see what other desserts friends loved and make it a competition. That is how the Montecito "Bake- off" started. The rules: You can make your own dessert but you don't have to. You can have it Fed ex'd in, buy it, do whatever you have to do to get a dessert you love to the bake off table.

Jules, Steph, and I brought a 10 minute cake. We bought angel food cake at Whole Foods, cut it into 4 layers, and mixed sour cream, coconut, and vanilla to spread on each layer. Then we stacked the layers and frosted with a whipped cream - one cup of heavy cream, 1 tablespoon creme fraiche, 2 teaspoons vanilla, and 1/4 cup confectionary sugar. We topped it with chopped Violet Crumble candy and Cadbury flaked chocolate

The Bake –off inspired me. I felt like I was going back in time a little bit. I only thought they did these bake-off’s in the south. I now want to have my own bake off in Los Angeles. The woman who were at the party all had a story for their dessert. They all came dressed up. Most had fun “hostess” aprons on. My favorite dessert and story was from a lovely lady, Jo Saxon. Her dessert: A Ganache Torte with A Pecan Crust and adorned with Caramel Sauce . Her story: The dessert was A.K.A. Seal the Deal Pie. It was an afternoon to remember and one to look forward to next year. Hope I get invited back for the 4th annual bake off!!