/It's Sneeky Thyme for a gin and tonic with a little splash of July 4th flair.
It's Sneeky Thyme for a gin and tonic with a little splash of July 4th flair.
Happy Independence Day! I love the Fourth of July, it means fireworks celebrations and sparklers! I love putting sparklers on my cocktails, and the Independence is a perfect sneeky to celebrate the day!
Read MoreI recently joined forces with cocodot, a chic online invitation company, to come up with my own line of stationery. You can use my new line to send out online invitations or order printed stationery!! I had such a blast designing this line! Each collection of cards holds a precious memory from the collection of cards originating from my beloved Dad's pants called Jimmy's Cocktail Slacks to the photos of my family from Nantucket and holiday memories. Please check out the entire collection!!! I hope you enjoy them just as much as I enjoyed making them. Lulu Powers "The Summer Entertaining Collection"